Digitalization for Off Highway, Heavy Equipment Industry 4.0

Heavy equipment manufacturers are developing high-performance machinery with new sensor technology and alternative materials. Along with the need to extend the product lifecycle, manufacturers face many challenges: global competition, multi-site manufacturing, compressed development cycles, total-cost-of-ownership reductions, fuel economy, and regulatory emissions standards. These challenges require an integrated set of design, simulation and manufacturing tools that are managed in a unified and integrated environment.

Digital Enterprise Industry Solutions for Agricultural OEMs

The agricultural sector is pressured to increase its production, with fewer resources, while becoming more sustainable. To support this challenge, agricultural OEMs must innovate their offering, enabling smart farming applications. But meanwhile, they must also secure their daily business by timely delivery of mainstream equipment. The digital twin and digital thread approach by Siemens will accelerate the delivery of any equipment type, allowing OEMs to successfully navigate through this complex transition period.